Dolls and Accessories of the 1950s by Dian Fillner



Dolls and Accessories of the 1950s by Dian Fillner is a book that provides a comprehensive overview of dolls and accessories that were popular during the 1950s. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the history of dolls, the different types of dolls that were popular during the 1950s, and the accessories that were used with dolls.

The book begins with a discussion of the history of dolls. Fillner traces the development of dolls from early clay figures to the modern dolls that we know today. She also discusses the different types of dolls that have been made over the years, including rag dolls, porcelain dolls, and fashion dolls.

In the next section of the book, Fillner discusses the different types of dolls that were popular during the 1950s. She covers a wide range of dolls, including baby dolls, fashion dolls, and collectible dolls. She also discusses the different materials that were used to make dolls during the 1950s, including cloth, wood, plastic, and porcelain.

The final section of the book is devoted to the accessories that were used with dolls during the 1950s. Fillner covers a wide range of accessories, including clothing, furniture, and other items. She also discusses the different companies that made doll accessories during the 1950s.

Dolls and Accessories of the 1950s is a comprehensive and informative book that is a valuable resource for anyone interested in dolls. It is well-written and easy to read, and it is full of interesting information. The book is a must-have for any doll collector.

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