Patsy Doll Family Encyclopedia by Patricia N. Schoonmaker



Patsy Doll Family Encyclopedia is a book by Patricia Schoonmaker that provides comprehensive information on the Effanbee Patsy family of dolls. The book covers the history of the dolls, their production, and their variations. It also includes a section on identifying Patsy dolls.

The book is divided into two volumes. The first volume covers the original Patsy doll, as well as her family members Patsy Lou, Patsy Ruth, and Wee Patsy. The second volume covers the later Patsy dolls, such as Patsy Babykin, Babyette, and Tinyette.

Each chapter in the book is devoted to a different doll or group of dolls. The chapters include information on the doll’s history, production, and variations. They also include photographs of the dolls.

The book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the Effanbee Patsy family of dolls. It is well-researched and provides a wealth of information on these classic dolls.

Weight 0.9 lbs
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